Monday 15 August 2011

oh har guys.

I used to have a joint blog with a close friend of mine but that kind of died...
So this is me, Frank, flying solo. The other blog started off as a parody of a blog I guess and alternates from that to something more serious as life gets crappy. I'll just paste a few examples.

"So this is Loltimes. My name is Frank and I'm currently undertaking a degree in Lols at the University of Fail and this particular incident occurs on campus. On one fateful day, I attended a social event with my fellow Lolers. I obtained several Loldrinks and after their consumption I proceeded to nominate myself as the King Of The Douches. After a fight to the death, I stood victorious and basked in the cheering and socialness of the situation. News of my newly appointed position had reached a certain female named Brittany. Her want of my Lolsword had increased quite substantially. She was eager to pull me away somewhere private and discuss matters of the utmost importance. Due to my intoxication, I was left very vulnerable to this attack. After cornering me into a private encounter, she began to attack my defenceless Lolsword. Several minutes of her skilled stroking allowed her unleash to my seed all over the Sacred Floor of Learnings. She wished to spend some time on an intimate interlude but my reluctance and display of coldness finally gave her the message. I have vowed to never head down that road with Brittany again."

and then to...

Well the girl that the ex found out about, was a really really good friend of mine as well. So it's kinda lose-lose right now, unless I coax her into casual sex. Not really my style though. But yeah, was totally not worth it lols. Apart from the fact that I've lost a close friend, it was a total starfish experience. Seriously. The only thing she did was open and close her mouth to try and replicate a kiss AND spread her legs. Marginally better than a blow-up doll I guess. I probably would've fucked her if she wasn't so... dead."

Life is interesting. I'll try and make this as informative and interesting as possible. But right now, I cbf.